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Happy Dog Pure Buffalo wet food is made in Germany exclusively from freshly-slaughtered buffalo. Pure Buffalo wet food is a complete food for adult dogs and contains a selected source of protein. This makes it especially suitable for feeding dogs with food intolerances and allergies.
Selected protein: 100% buffalo
No grain, soya or added sugar
Plus vitamin E for the immune system
Particularly suitable for dogs with food allergies
Meat and animal by products (buffalo muscle meat, buffalo liver, lung and abomasum*), minerals. * may contain traces of other proteins due to the manufacturing process. Metabolisable energy: 430 KJ/100g; 1030 Kcal/kg Crude protein, crude fat, crude ash, crude fibre, moisture vitamins/kg: Vitamin A, Vitamin D3, Vitamin E,

Happy Dog Pure Buffalo (800gX6)


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